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Holidays, 2020 and Your Health!

The Reason for the Season?

 We are in the midst of the busiest holiday season of the year!  Are you feeling overwhelmed or are you feeling a sense of calm and order? Are you experiencing a racing mind or are you in the flow of the reason for the season, finding meaning and joy in the festivities and preparation?


 At this time of year, we are getting bombarded with messages on retail deals, holiday specials, shiny objects we need to have, multiple parties to attend and arrangements for family gatherings. If you're in business you might be thinking about a year-end review and planning for 2020.

 The To-Do List!

 It can feel like there aren't enough hours in a day and that getting your to-do list completed is impossible. I started to experience this overwhelm the other day and knew I had to do a quick reset before it affected my health and wellbeing. As a nurse-patient advocate and health & wellness coach, I know and see every day the cost of stress and overwhelm on the body and state of mind.

 Your Mindset Power

 So what do I do? I meditate and read inspirational books to change my thoughts, which can shift my state of mind. I get back to living in the moment and being more mindful. This allows for focusing on my reason for the season and experiencing the calm and good health I alone control.

 Don’t get me wrong, I am a planner and spend the time making the lists and checking ‘em twice but once the list is made the power to be in the moment and enjoy it becomes my focus.

 Maybe you're spending too much time worrying about who has been naughty or nice! Be in your own space keeping your joyous holiday headset on. You can't change anyone so let those naughty ones go and understand they are doing the best they can with what they have.  Your nice demeanor can have a wonderful energetic effect on everyone you are in contact with even those naughty ones!

 Mr. Rogers

 Let's take a move from Mr. Roger's loving-kindness playbook.  In his acceptance speech of the Lifetime Achievement Award he received in 1997, he said, “Would you just take, along with me, 10 seconds to think of the people who have helped you become who you are — those who have cared about you and wanted what was best for you in life,” he begins. “Ten seconds of silence — I’ll watch the time.” After a powerful pause, he continues: “Whomever you’ve been thinking about… how pleased they must be to know the difference you feel they’ve made.”

Take this Mr. Rogers quote into your holidays and into 2020. “Our society is much more interested in information than wonder, in noise rather than silence….and I feel we need a lot more wonder and a lot more silence in our lives.” ~Fred Rogers

 Year in Review

 Whether you're doing a year-end review for business or personal reasons go easy on yourself. Focus on what you did well. Maybe write yourself a note about all the good things you accomplished big and small.  Stay away from any negative thinking. You may want to get your full-on self-love and patience hat on as you just take the things you didn't accomplish and say, "Every delay may be in my favor".  Take those items and put 'em on the 2020 list.

 In our world here at HLA, we focus on whole-person wellness and helping our clients manage their diseases with a mind-body-spirit approach. Ensuring that you are heading into 2020 with your best mindset is a worthy goal. Who do you want to be in 2020? How do you want to feel in 2020? Are you aware of how your thoughts and beliefs can affect your health and wellbeing? Take an inventory of your wellbeing and find out where you can improve.

 Click below to take our fun and interesting Wellness Quiz.