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Virtual Walk With Heart for a Good Cause!

In a recent blog, I wrote about people not getting the medical care they need in fear of contracting COVID-19.  During this COVID-19 crisis, sudden cardiac arrest calls to emergency services have tripled.  There has never been a more important time to raise awareness about the need for public placement of automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). You can help!

An amazing virtual walk event is happening this weekend sponsored by the John Taylor Babbitt Foundation, which is a not for profit 501(c)(3) organization, founded in John Babbitt’s memory and dedicated to preventing sudden cardiac death. It is easy to sign up.      

The founders of the foundation are dear friends of mine, Dave and Joanne Babbitt, and their story is moving and inspirational.  Their son, John, was 16 years old when he collapsed and died from an undiagnosed heart condition while playing basketball with his friends. Virtuous, decent, kind and caring, John was a great friend, brother, son, and grandson.

I have never met two people who were able to dig through their grief and turn it into an amazing tribute to their son and to the lives of so many people that could experience sudden cardiac death. I have watched these amazing parents devote and dedicate themselves to creating a memory of their son that means the world to so many people and saves lives. Nothing could stop these two from making significant changes so that another parent would not have to lose a child to sudden cardiac arrest.

Here are their key accomplishments:

  • Donated over 400 AEDs to schools, camps and community service organizations dedicated to serving the public and supported legislative initiatives mandating placement of AEDs and training in places of public assembly.

  • Sponsored over 100 CPR/AED training classes attended by over 1500 individuals and awarded grants to fund equipment for organizations that provide CPR/AED training.

  • Provided over $850,000 for research in order to identify those individuals, especially children, at risk of sudden cardiac arrest due to genetic cardiac disorders.

  • Have raised over 1.9 million dollars towards their mission.

  • Responsible for sponsoring NJ Good Samaritan Bill which grants immunity to anyone who in good faith attempts to use an AED to save a life.  Also sponsored the CPR/AED in schools Bill which requires all NJ High School Students to learn CPR and how to use an AED.  Both bills have been signed into law! 

Please consider participating in this event or to simply become more educated on what you can do should you ever be faced with a situation of cardiac arrest.