Healthlink Advocates

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We've Turned Over a New Leaf!

We’ve Turned Over a New Leaf!


We are so excited to announce our new website that just went live this month, in the midst of our beautiful Fall season.  Here at Healthlink Advocates (HLA), we look at Fall as an opportunity to make a change in our health and wellbeing along with the change in the season. We look at what “leaves” we need to let go of in order to improve our health and wellbeing.  It is a good time to reflect before the holiday festivities.

We continue to be dedicated to helping people navigate their health issues. We strive to focus on educating and empowering people to know how to manage their health and navigate this confusing and complex healthcare system. Hopefully, we can effectively coach our clients to prevent disease and illness with lifestyle modifications as well.

 Our new website has more information you can download.  For example, we have a document you can download called, “Get Your Essential Guide to Understanding Your Medical Bills and Insurance”. Our healthcare insurance system is very confusing and this is valuable information for the consumer to understand. 

 We have a beautiful start to our health & wellness page and it is titled, Healthy Living Always (HLA) We want to deliver more value in disease prevention and health coaching to our readers and those we serve. We believe that whether you are healthy or are challenged by an illness or chronic disease there are plenty of wellness tips to use to maximize your sense of overall wellbeing and achieve your highest level of functioning.  You will find our E-book to download on that page as well and it has great information on our innovative whole person wellbeing program. It will provide you many tips to think about that can help improve your health and wellbeing. Have some fun and take the wellness quiz also on that page and get your score to see where you are at.

We are sharing a large amount of valuable information on our Instagram Page -, so join our followers and we will support you in your wellbeing journey.  Also, like our Facebook page and follow us there for more great content -

 We look forward to serving you and providing more valuable content to enhance your wellbeing and assist you in navigating this complex health system.  We can partner with you to make sure you get the best care and results you deserve.