Nurses Change Lives!

Nurses are amazing healthcare professionals. During the week of May 6 through May 12, we celebrate National Nurses Week. In 2018, Johnson and Johnson featured a powerful commercial about the contributions made by nurses throughout history that saved lives and improved healthcare for all people.

This amazing Johnson and Johnson video highlights the history of nursing from the Crimean War, where Florence Nightingale introduced sanitation practices on the battlefield and in hospital wards, to a young nurse developing protective practices with primitive resources to safely care for Ebola patients.

This year the Johnson and Johnson tribute video for nurses is Nurses Change Lives, but the focus is nursing innovation and leadership on the frontlines during the Covid-19 crisis. The video shows the perseverance, ingenuity, and dedication of nurses despite the threat to their health and safety. Here are the main points highlighted in the video,

  • When PPE was scarce a nurse leader took action and created a high filtration mask by using layers of surgical drape and air condition filters to create a high-efficiency mask.

  • A team of nurses proved that PPE could be spared and the supply preserved by moving IV pumps outside the patient rooms.

  • A nurse showed that repurposing items like a bike helmet and a shield could be used for PPE, during a time when there was a short supply.

  • A nurse realized that proning patients could improve their oxygenation and went on to develop an interdisciplinary proning team and educated over 80 staff members in three days.

  • When family members were prevented from seeing patients in the hospital, a team of nurses developed a tool that could be used on a tablet that could connect family members with doctors and nurses.

The Most Trusted Profession!

Nursing has been ranked as the most trusted profession in the U.S. for 19 years in a row, what an accomplishment! The 2020 Gallup Poll showed that 89% of Americans rated nurse’s honesty and ethical standards as “high'' or “very high,” coming in even higher than last year’s record-setting number. The honor is very impressive! Healthcare professionals, as a whole, in the poll are top-ranked of all professions, but nursing exceeds and stands out beyond that.

What makes nurses so special and rank so high?

Nurses are respected by the public and have very good reputations. They are seen as honest, caring, and as professionals who put the interest of their patients first. Most importantly, nurses are trusted by the public and their patients. Trust involves integrity and honesty, it implies that someone can be counted on to do the right thing. This is what nurses do! Nurses are patients best interest at heart and work hard to see their needs are met. Nursing works with a holistic approach to patient care and management, taking into consideration the whole person, including mind, body, and spirit.

Celebrating Nurses!

Nurses are being honored as innovative, critical thinking frontline workers that they have shown themselves to be during the Covid-19 crisis and throughout history. So during Nurses Week and during the month of May and beyond, let us recognize and cheer nurses on. Nurses definitely change lives and that truly changes everything. Congratulations to all nurses for a job well done!

