Will you be a “Super Attractor” in 2020?

How would it feel if you could “manifest” all the things you want in your life?  The perfect mate, the perfect job, the income you have been dreaming about and your dream home?  What would these things look like?  How would they appear in your life?  The beginning of a new year is often a time when people write goals and set a plan for their life for the upcoming year.   As a certified health and wellness coach, I assist clients in carrying out this process as well as do it myself.   Writing down goals and desires is something I do at the beginning of each year.   I usually do a reflection of the past year, set goals for the New Year and then develop a plan on how I will “manifest” the outcome I desire.  I often look for books that inspire or provide a new strategy.  One book that really interested me and helped with my strategy for 2020 was Super Attractor, Methods for Manifesting A Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams, by Gabrielle Bernstein.  

The first idea introduced in the book is that we all have the power within ourselves to co-create the life we would like to live. This belief is also a principle I use as a coach.  I know that all of my clients are resourceful, creative and whole and have the capacity to change their lives.  Getting what we want in life does not have to be so difficult and stress producing.  The book outlines methods to follow so you can tap into your ability to attract what you want.  You can align yourself with the universe or a “higher” power to achieve what is desired.  

This could be as simple as how you start our day.  According to the book, you have the choice to start your day in alignment with the universe by spiritual practice, meditation, prayer, saying affirmations, journaling, or movement.  The other alternative is turning to your phone, looking at the headlines, downing cups of coffee and rushing around.  Starting the day in a calm state leads to a better day all the way around!

Reciting a mantra or a repetitive statement is another way of creating a positive mind-set and positive energy.  According to the book, feeling good is something we need to cultivate.  Allowing yourself to feel happy and project good feelings causes good to come back to you!  It is as simple as saying, what you put out to the universe will return to you- good thoughts attract good things!

Developing a state of appreciation is another method discussed in the book.  Being grateful for what you have, focusing on what is working and thriving attracts good things into your life.  Focusing on the goal or desire can cause you to become frustrated and negative.  Concentrating on what feels good helps us get closer to what we desire. 

As a health and wellness coach, I know that achieving goals does not always happen smoothly. What can be done if you fall out of alignment with your goals or desires?  Negativity or fear can stop you from moving forward. The book outlines a Three Step Choose Again Method that is simple to use and can redirect your thoughts.  The first step is to notice and acknowledge the negative thought, the second step is to forgive the thought, don’t try to deny or stuff the feeling down and the third step is to choose again, allow yourself to choose a new thought or feeling.  In this exercise you are not developing a solution, but a new way of feeling.  This exercise helps improve your emotional state, which affects your ability to attract what you want. 

Remember; be in a state of expectation of good things to come.  Creating positive vibrations leads to positive experiences and outcomes.  Be conscious of your energy and your words and see the difference this makes in manifesting your dreams in 2020 and beyond!!