These Times Demand You Protect Your Mind, Your Emotions, and Your Health

How To Navigate Challenging Times

These times are challenging and tumultuous.  The external events of this year, from the massive physical effects of the pandemic to the multiple violent physical and verbal events and presidential election, can overwhelm our minds and spirits which can directly affect the health of our physical and mental wellbeing.

I read an excellent book titled, Limitless by Jim Kwik recently and loved a quote from the book,  “Taking care of our brains is an integral part of health and well-being. Limitless gives you the power to train and optimize your mind so you can realize your full potential,” from Maia and Alex Shubtani.

We give a lot of attention to our physical bodies but not always enough to our minds.  Do you know you can exercise your mind and improve it just like working out can improve your physique? There are clear ways that you can improve your focus, improve your memory, and just have improved brain health.  It is important to address any limiting beliefs  you may have like, “I have a certain IQ and I can’t surpass that” or “I can’t learn at my older age like I did when I was younger!”  These simply are not true and if you engage in more positive thoughts about yourself and your potential you may just surprise yourself.

 What Do You Believe?

 Bruce Lipton the author of  “The Biology of Belief”  writes about how our minds play a crucial role in physical health

  • Think about the “placebo effect” where one gets better from a “fake” treatment.  This suggests that we get better at least partially related to our minds and thoughts because we think we will.

  • Scientist Candice Pert discovered something fascinating and powerful about the mind. She discovered that our minds are not just contained in our heads but dispersed in our bodies in signal molecules so these molecules can send signals to the brain and body. She also found that our conscious mind can create molecules of emotion, which can program our body to feel better.

This is simply fascinating to know that we have much more brainpower to use to accomplish and learn whatever we desire.  It is vital to care for the brain so that it can perform properly and at its best.  Getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and getting regular exercise will provide the brain what it needs. 

Technology – Good or Bad for the Brain?

We have to also be aware of how we use technology.  Is it beneficial or not?  Is it adding overwhelm to your life and an inability to stay focused and keep believing in yourself? 

Technology can be a wonderful tool. We can google an answer to any question we have in real-time, but is that best for the functionality of your brain? Some say not. Some say that we are pummeling our brains with too much information and in using google for immediate answers, we are not using our brains to try and remember, which creates and strengthens memories. Simply put, overusing technology may reduce your capacity to critically think. I also wonder how this affects the mind and the potential to hold on to memory and function as we age.  It may be worthwhile to take a digital break of 30 minutes every day with all your devices off and use this time to relax, be creative and let your mind wander.

Thoughts and Emotions

 When emotions run high, your thoughts can dive into negative and stressful thoughts. This can adversely affect your health and wellbeing directly.  During times of emotional trauma or chronic stress, you may disengage from a part of the brain called the amygdala, which is best known as the part of the brain that drives the so-called "fight or flight" response.  This disengagement from the amygdala can cause a disconnection from yourself and others. It can happen as your senses become diminished.  When this occurs, you can feel isolated, which negatively affects your health and wellbeing. The good news is that due to the amazing neuroplasticity of the brain, you can re-engage it by focusing on sensory awareness.  In coaching, we work side by side with clients to help them re-engage these senses through breathing exercises and having them become more aware of what they are feeling in their bodies. Taking the time to be aware of your thoughts and how it creates certain feelings and sensations in the body can be life-changing and lead you to significant improvements in your life. Moving gently from a negative thought to a better feeling thought and then onto a positive thought or feeling can lead you to be your more creative, knowledgeable, and resilient self, capable of achieving your desires.

Give yourself the gift of time and patience to assess how you are doing.  Take the time to explore your inner senses and how your thoughts are creating feelings. If those feelings are not where you want to be consider some possible actions items such as:

  • Practice deep breathing exercises regularly

  • Be “The Watcher” of your thoughts and how excessive thoughts can stress you out

  • Consider some type of meditation

  • Take a sensory walk in nature with no devices and experience the sounds and sensation of nature

  • Engage a trusted friend or coach to discuss your thoughts and emotions and how to move closer to a more positive place in your mind

  • Exercise regularly

  • Get a good nights sleep

  • Eat healthy food

  • Be easy on yourself

  • Do a digital detox when you can

  • Minimize your exposure to news

  • Review your beliefs you have about yourself.  If you want to improve them seek guidance, sometimes professional assistance is needed and sometimes a coach or friend can help.

Know that you are important and so are your thoughts and mind.  You can improve your health by exercising your body and you can also improve your health and wellbeing by caring for the mind, thoughts, and emotions.