Who Do You Want To Be in 2020?

The Benefits of Winter

What l love about this time of year in the north is the opportunity to follow the trends of the season. It’s a time of cold weather now and although it can be a beautiful time to be out in nature, the days are shorter and thus darker and we tend to spend more time indoors

I engage the winter as a time, like my roses and perennials in my garden, to go within and lie more dormant and restful in order to restore and energize my “root system”.  I have found that more profound and lasting changes occur during this season, when you go deep within. Getting more rest, doing meditation and/or prayer, challenging yourself to start a new goal, or just learn something new can provide new insights on who you want to be in 2020.

In The Year 2020

Who do you want to be in 2020? Why not select a new practice or a new subject to learn about for 2020? Why not choose to tap into your inner gifts to change and improve yourself in ways you have never tried before?  I challenge you to use this winter season to reflect, recharge and jump out of your comfort zone.  

As a patient advocate and health and wellness coach, I am all about setting up health goals for the New Year.  But just saying you want to lose weight or exercise more doesn’t always make for sustained change and good outcomes. What matters most is what issues or beliefs are holding you back from achieving your health goals.

What’s Your Intention?

“Every action, thought and feeling is motivated by an intention and that intention is a cause that exists as one with an effect. Your intention is creating your reality.” ~Gary Zukav from The Seat of the Soul

Maybe this year you decide to focus on your intentions.  Would it be possible to set an intention of no matter what is going on you will find things to help you feel good and that excite and motivate you?  Even in the midst of challenges and troubles, following a period of purging some of those negative feelings, could you find one small thing to focus on to feel better? From the wise words of Wayne Dyer, “I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can control what goes on inside.”

Be In The Moment

Staying in the moment can be a great intention. Staying connected to the present enables you to enjoy every moment of your journey without the worry and stress of looking at the past or future.  Of course, you have to plan, work, make schedules etc. but if you can focus on just the current moment or task at hand, you may feel more focused, relaxed and think more clearly. Utilizing a breathing break, where you practice some deep breathing for a minute or two, can bring you into the moment and help you stayed focused and clear.

Appreciate Yourself

An intention to appreciate yourself for all your accomplishments, big and small, is a great start to a new year.  The more you can appreciate everything you do, the healthier and more well you can become. Lasting behavior change is a side effect of feeling good and intentional and proud of yourself.

This encompasses minding your thoughts and feelings so they don’t become like a runaway train ruling your life.  You have a choice as to what you focus your thoughts on. What you focus your thoughts on can create your feelings so intend to make them good.

Ponder This

Become intentional and focused on what you want or how you want to be each day.

Become the master of who you are and how you want to be from the inside out.

Happy New Year! Wishing you a great renewal and recharge this winter, ready for a wonderful and grand emergence into 2020 Spring!