Autism: A Personal Viewpoint -We Are All One!

Autism: A Personal Viewpoint -We Are All One!

This week kicks off Annual Autism Awareness month. You’ll notice there are no “Light It Up Blue” signs or over abundance of puzzle pieces flying around this year as we are currently fighting a historic war against an unprecedented, deadly and invisible enemy. I won’t even say this viruses name and give it anymore energy ..we’ll just call it “C”. Do I miss Autism Awareness Month? Nope, never liked it to begin with and truth is ...we’ve never been more aware of Autism ...then at this very moment.

For at this very moment ...we are all ONE.

We are all aware:

Of what it feels like to be dependent on another person to get through the day or even for our very survival

A Niece's Reflections on Coronavirus

A Niece's Reflections on Coronavirus

I read my nieces post on Facebook and enjoyed her introspective thoughts on the coronavirus world we are now living in. I share them here for all of us to ponder.

“I awoke this morning with a question in my mind….what is the message behind this Coronavirus?

Perhaps it reminds us that we really are all one and that each individuals actions, words and energy impact all...

Perhaps it reminds us that we live in the most amazingly blessed country in the world and that we should be grateful every minute of everyday and never take our free markets, free speech or any God granted freedoms for granted...

Rise Up And Feel Good Each Morning

Rise Up And Feel Good Each Morning

Do you wake up on the right side or the wrong side of the bed each morning?  Do you wake up excited about the day or are you just putting one foot in front of the other? Are you tired of everyone telling you should be happy or upbeat?  Do the massive amount of tips for feeling good and healthy leave you high and dry? 

There’s an answer to that!  Be yourself, know thyself and accept yourself.  You are a unique and wonderfully made individual with your own path to greatness. This simply means, get to know who you are and what you want to be and do.   Take an overall inventory of yourself and find the magic inside.  Be patient with the process. 

The Wellness Inventory process allows you to explore the many wonders of you as a whole person.  You can take a spin around the wheel of wellness and find a deeper understanding of what works for you and what motivates you to improve.  Improving your overall wellbeing, can help you stay healthy or if you are challenged with a chronic illness, it can help you manage it better.

Challenged with a Chronic Disease? Behavior Change Coaching Can Help

 Challenged with a Chronic Disease? Behavior Change Coaching Can Help

There can be so many factors to deal with when one has a chronic disease such as diabetes and heart disease, to name a few. Oftentimes, patients can find themselves overloaded with information from their physician, from Internet searches and from family and friends. This can be overwhelming and can stop a patient in their tracks. Which way should they turn and whom do they listen to? Primarily, it is essential to first listen to your physician, who is the expert on the chronic disease and is focused on helping manage the illness with needed treatments and medications. 

Healthy Living.....Always

Healthy Living.....Always

Does it seem impossible to live healthy always? How is it possible to live healthy if you have a chronic disease? Is healthy living possibly more than whether you have a disease or not?

Living healthy refers to how you manage your health in your mind, body, and spirit. As a nurse-patient advocate, I have witnessed people with serious illnesses live better and more meaningful lives than some that are extremely healthy and blessed with financial abundance. Why is this? It relates to the individual's overall level of wellness.

The World Health Organization defined health in 1948 as being “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.  Later, Halbert Dunn, MD, head of U.S. Office of Vital Statistics, wrote a book called "High-Level Wellness". He writes about a definition of wellness to include the following core concepts: 

  • Wellness is a continuum rather than a specific fixed state. All individuals, depending on their particular circumstances, are located somewhere along the continuum between death and wellness.

Tips for a Healthy 2020

Tips for a Healthy 2020

We hope you had a wonderful holiday season! There may have been some indulging involved with all the festivities. Maybe you ate or drank more than you wanted. Maybe you were stressed out and didn’t get the time to exercise. Whatever happened is in the past. Let’s move forward into a great 2020.

Who Do You Want To Be in 2020?

Who Do You Want To Be in 2020?

he Benefits of Winter

What l love about this time of year in the north is the opportunity to follow the trends of the seasons. It’s a time of cold weather now and although it can be a beautiful time to be out in nature, the days are shorter and thus darker and we tend to spend more time indoors

I engage the winter as a time, like my roses and perennials in my garden, to go within and lie more dormant and restful in order to restore and energize my “root system”.  I have found that more profound and lasting changes occur during this season, when you go deep within, whether through more rest, meditation or prayer, challenging yourself to start a new goal, or just learn something new.

Holidays, 2020 and Your Health!

Holidays, 2020 and Your Health!

The Reason for the Season?

 We are in the midst of the busiest holiday season of the year!  Are you feeling overwhelmed or are you feeling a sense of calm and order? Are you experiencing a racing mind or are you in the flow of the reason for the season, finding meaning and joy in the festivities and preparation?


At this time of year, we are getting bombarded with messages on retail deals, holiday specials, shiny objects we need to have, multiple parties to attend and arrangements for family gatherings.

Ways to Stay Healthy During the Flu Season

Ways to Stay Healthy During the Flu Season

The Fall is here, the leaves are falling and there is a chill in the air…but beware, there are also germs in the air around us! According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) flu viruses can circulate throughout the year and the start of the season can vary, but it usually occurs in October. Flu season usually peaks between December and February although the peak for last year’s season continued into March.